Eric Bainbridge

Eric Bainbridge studied in Leeds, Newcastle and London graduating with an MA in sculpture from the Royal College of Art in 1981.

His reputation was established in the USA and Europe following solo exhibitions at the Salvatore Ala Gallery in New York, the Walker Art Centre in Minneapolis, the ICA in Boston, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the DELFINA in London.

From 1989 to 1991 he was Henry Moore Fellow at the Slade School of Art and in 1996 received the Paul Hamlyn Foundation prize for sculpture. Recent exhibitions include a retrospective at mima, Middlesbrough in 2008, Galleria Caroline + Salvatore Ala in Milan, Italy and Modern British Sculpture at the Royal Academy in London in 2011.

This signed limited edition print, Two Sausages (2011), is taken from a still from Bainbridge’s video work. It was developed for his solo show ‘Eric Bainbridge Video Show’ at CIRCA Screen.

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