The greatest British art initiative we’ve seen in 2013

This summer art will be dominating roadsides, retail parks and bold signage thanks to a new scheme by Art Everywhere.

Art Everywhere involves 50 of the nation’s best loved art works which will be proudly displayed throughout the country on 15,000 poster sites – a nice way to brighten up your summer trips!

The partnership between Art Fund, Tate and the poster industry was the brainchild of fruit smoothie guru Richard Reed, who spotted some artwork on a billboard on his way into work. He said “It wasn’t titled and it didn’t have a logo and I never knew why it was there but it was a beautiful thing. I would stop for about 30 seconds – it just put some bounce into my step, it brightened my commute to work.”

It’s this sort of out the box thinking that the art industry needs to engage more people with our fabulous art pool.

Of course, this sort of initiative doesn’t come cheap, they’re asking people to become patrons of the sites through crowdfunding exercises and if you’d rather just donate money then you’ll bag yourself a free t-shirt or a bag by Roberta Smith.

Keep your eyes peeled for the longlist of works will be published on June 21, so make sure you nominate your favourite. Tweet us @monographart to tell us which artworks you want to see on a billboard.

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